Tokusou Robo Janperson was the 1993 installment in Toei Company Limited's Metal Hero Series. The series revolved around Janperson, a robotic detective who patrolled the streets of Tokyo and fought against three different underworld organizations who used super technology to subjugate the masses. Unlike most Metal Heroes, a monster-of-the-week was rarely shown and most of the villains are criminals akin to television police dramas. The name given to this series by Toei for international distribution is Jumperson.
Release Date: January 31, 1993
Last Aired: January 09, 1994
January 30, 1994
February 05, 1995
March 04, 1983
February 23, 1997
January 29, 1989
September 07, 1996
March 02, 1984
February 02, 1992
March 16, 1987
March 15, 1985
April 07, 1986
March 03, 1996
September 24, 2007
March 05, 1982
January 20, 1991
February 04, 1990
January 24, 1988
April 12, 2013
March 08, 1998
January 03, 1986