Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! is an American educational animated children's television show created by Bob Boyle. The series is animated in Toon Boom and Adobe Flash software, produced by Bolder Media, and Starz Media. Bob Boyle, Susan Miller, Mark Warner, and Fred Seibert-Warner are the executive producers. The pop rock music is performed by Brad Mossman, and the musical score is composed and conducted by Mike Reagan. The series premiered on August 28, 2006 in the United States on Nick Jr. The second and final season debuted on September 1, 2008 on Nickelodeon's Nick Jr. in the United States.
Release Date: August 28, 2006
Last Aired: February 21, 2010
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June 26, 1996
September 18, 1964
January 09, 2006
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January 01, 1992
November 12, 2019
September 07, 1985
October 09, 2005
June 24, 1981
September 27, 1997
August 16, 2004
September 22, 2004
September 14, 1958
September 06, 1999
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June 06, 2005
March 11, 2024
November 18, 1998
March 02, 2023
November 04, 1977