Follyfoot is a children's television series co-produced by the majority-partner British television company Yorkshire Television and the independent West German company TV Munich. It aired in the United Kingdom between 1971 and 1973, repeated for two years after that and again in the late 1980s. The series starred Gillian Blake in the lead role. Notable people connected with the series were actors Desmond Llewelyn and Arthur English and directors Jack Cardiff, Stephen Frears, Michael Apted and David Hemmings. It was originally inspired by Monica Dickens' 1963 novel Cobbler's Dream; she later wrote four further books in conjunction with the series—Follyfoot in 1971, Dora at Follyfoot in 1972, The Horses of Follyfoot in 1975, and Stranger at Follyfoot in 1976.
Release Date: June 28, 1971
Last Aired: September 15, 1973
June 20, 2005
October 16, 1972
April 10, 1992
October 12, 2000
July 16, 2006
September 23, 1994
December 31, 1995
January 19, 2003
April 07, 1991
January 05, 1961
April 06, 1997
March 02, 2004
September 10, 1995
September 16, 2006
January 01, 2007
October 08, 1956
March 23, 2017
July 09, 2001
February 05, 2005
March 12, 1995