Ruby Gloom is a Canadian children's show that revolves around the titular character, Ruby, who has a unique perspective on the world. While some kids might be afraid of the dark, Ruby embraces it and finds joy in the company of strange and quirky characters like Doom Kitty, Skull Boy, Misery, Boo Boo, and Mr. Buns. Together, they navigate various adventures and challenges. The series is based on an apparel franchise of the same name. The show was produced by Nelvana and began airing on October 13, 2006 in Canada on the network YTV. It features the voices of Sarah Gadon, Emily Hampshire, Peter Keleghan, and Adrian Truss.
Release Date: October 13, 2006
Last Aired: March 14, 2008
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January 01, 1998
March 16, 2007
January 08, 2021
January 05, 1981
September 12, 2004
December 14, 1987
August 11, 1991
March 07, 2019
April 08, 1995
October 11, 1996
July 08, 2005
April 22, 1996
December 02, 2024
October 03, 2007
July 08, 2014
October 12, 2024
November 23, 2022
October 31, 1992
April 15, 1989
May 05, 1992