The Lieutenant is an American television series, the first created by Gene Roddenberry. It aired on NBC on Saturday evenings in the 1963–1964 television schedule. It was produced by Arena Productions, one of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's most successful in-house production companies of the 1960s. Situated at Camp Pendleton, the West Coast base of the U.S. Marine Corps, The Lieutenant focuses on the men of the Corps in peace time with a Cold War backdrop. The title character is Second Lieutenant William Tiberius Rice, a rifle platoon leader and one of the training instructors at Camp Pendleton. An hour-long drama, The Lieutenant explores the lives of enlisted Marines and general officers alike. The series was released on DVD in two half-season sets by the Warner Archive Collection on August 14, 2012.
Release Date: September 14, 1963
Last Aired: April 18, 1964
April 15, 2015
May 27, 2019
February 06, 2019
October 02, 2000
November 10, 2006
October 27, 2000
September 21, 2005
September 16, 2002
February 21, 1993
November 08, 2012
April 17, 2005
September 17, 1972
January 03, 2000
September 23, 1983
January 02, 1999
April 23, 2023
October 24, 2020
December 01, 1988
June 01, 2017
September 21, 1976