Moving Wallpaper is a British satirical comedy-drama television series set in a TV production unit. It ran on ITV for two series in 2008–2009. The subject of the first series was the production of a soap called Echo Beach, each episode of which aired directly after the Moving Wallpaper episode about its production. The second series was based around the production of a "zombie show" called Renaissance. Ben Miller confirmed in May 2009 on his Twitter account that no further series will be made. The title, "Moving Wallpaper", is a disparaging term applied to uninspiring TV shows, or to television in general, referring to the perception that modern television viewers are "mindless absorbers of images", as if staring at wallpaper.
Release Date: January 10, 2008
Last Aired: April 03, 2009
September 18, 1978
September 19, 1996
January 13, 2022
January 03, 2021
September 12, 1995
September 07, 1994
September 03, 2004
March 19, 2002
January 28, 1993
March 04, 1996
November 10, 2003
February 20, 1976
March 31, 2022
April 21, 2022
September 14, 2006
February 08, 2024
October 01, 2001
March 28, 2019
September 19, 1970
July 09, 2001