Mutant X is a science fiction television series that debuted on October 6, 2001. The show was created by Avi Arad, and it centers around Mutant X, a team of "New Mutants" who possess extraordinary powers as a result of genetic engineering. The members of Mutant X were used as test subjects in a series of covert government experiments. The mission of Mutant X is to seek out and protect their fellow New Mutants. The series was filmed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Even though the series had high ratings and was meant to be renewed for a fourth season, it was abruptly canceled in 2004 after the dismantling of Fireworks Entertainment, one of the show's production companies, ending the show on a cliffhanger.
Release Date: October 06, 2001
Last Aired: May 17, 2004
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September 09, 1995
February 08, 2003
January 12, 1966
June 15, 1994
August 28, 1993
June 07, 2002
November 03, 2023
April 26, 1995
September 02, 2017
February 05, 2018
March 28, 2018
October 06, 2018
October 02, 1973
April 05, 1975
September 09, 1978
October 03, 2000
May 17, 1978
April 03, 1971
April 04, 1995
October 07, 2005