Tripper's Day is a British television sitcom produced by Thames Television for ITV. The plot involved Leonard Rossiter as Norman Tripper, a Northern manager assigned to a London supermarket with a problematic staff. The programme is largely remembered for the negative critical reviews it received, and mainly for the fact that it was Rossiter's final television work, the actor dying between the broadcast of the second and third episodes. The series was brought back two years later with Bruce Forsyth in the lead role, under the new title Slinger's Day. In Canada and United States the series had a remake under the title Check it Out!, whilst in Sweden, comical duo Stefan & Krister starred in Full Frys, a TV series largely based on Tripper's Day and Check it Out!.
Release Date: September 24, 1984
Last Aired: October 29, 1984
April 19, 2017
November 14, 2013
September 05, 1981
January 23, 1975
April 14, 1989
September 01, 1985
October 02, 2008
February 08, 2024
March 14, 1982
September 19, 1975
March 23, 2003
November 13, 1995
August 28, 1996
March 24, 2005
February 20, 1997
February 03, 2006
December 30, 1977
July 01, 1996
November 10, 2003
February 20, 1976