The New Adventures of Zorro is an American animated television series produced by Filmation in 1981. The series, which has 13 episodes, is based on the fictional character created by Johnston McCulley. It aired as part of The Tarzan/Lone Ranger/Zorro Adventure Hour. This is the only series Filmation made in which they contracted an outside, third party animation studio. The series was outsourced to Tokyo Movie Shinsha in Japan. All other series afterwards were animated internally by Filmation themselves. It was producer Norm Prescott's final series with Filmation, bringing to an end the famous 'rotating producers' wheel Filmation was famous for. From Gilligan's Planet onwards, Lou Scheimer would handle production duties on his own.
Release Date: September 12, 1981
Last Aired: December 05, 1981
September 11, 2004
October 10, 2012
October 07, 2000
February 07, 2006
October 10, 1957
August 01, 2024
January 05, 1990
September 20, 1997
April 08, 2018
April 06, 1983
October 22, 2012
August 03, 2012
September 07, 2010
November 01, 2012
December 01, 2012
December 23, 1972
February 19, 1986
September 01, 1955
May 06, 2002