In the future, Earth's entire population is being wiped out by an unstoppable virus. Mankind's only hope for survival is to launch a spaceship stocked with clones in cryogenic freeze, which will return to a devastated planet and re-populate it. Prior to its arrival, however, its crew of 6 is awoken to face a threat to the ship. They must come to terms with the workings of the ship, the dangers faced by their ship, the realization that they are clones, and their ultimate destiny: to save their race.
Release Date: July 21, 1997
Last Aired: December 22, 1997
April 18, 1997
January 16, 1995
July 05, 2004
November 25, 1989
October 18, 2004
January 23, 1985
September 08, 1973
January 05, 1981
October 28, 2019
September 13, 2021
December 02, 2002
October 03, 1994
July 15, 2004
September 20, 2003
January 11, 2006
September 16, 1970
April 24, 1999
March 26, 2005
April 04, 2006
March 15, 2019