Blacke's Magic is an American crime drama series that aired on NBC from January to May 1986. The series stars Hal Linden as magician Alexander Blacke who, with some help from his con-man father Leonard, solves mysteries that get in the way of his performances. The series aired for a total of thirteen episodes and featured crimes that tested logic against seemingly magical crimes. The stories were not so much whodunits as "how-he-do-its," for Alex Blacke often had to turn detective to solve the mysteries.
Release Date: January 05, 1986
Last Aired: May 07, 1986
March 14, 2001
March 10, 1997
February 21, 1996
April 14, 2022
February 07, 2020
September 24, 2001
April 07, 1991
September 21, 1996
September 29, 1985
October 01, 2002
June 29, 2005
January 13, 2022
August 09, 2014
October 03, 1987
February 18, 2007
October 01, 2006
February 21, 1993
July 13, 2016
January 09, 2019
October 07, 2023