Brave Eagle is a 26-episode half-hour western television series which aired on CBS from September 28, 1955, to March 14, 1956, with rebroadcasts continuing until June 6. Keith Larsen, who was of Norwegian descent, starred as Brave Eagle, a peaceful young Cheyenne chief. The program was unconventional in that it ⁕ reflects the Native American viewpoint in the settlement of the American West and ⁕ was the first series to feature an American Indian as a lead character. Larsen's co-stars were Kim Winona, a Sioux Indian, as Morning Star, Brave Eagle's romantic interest; Anthony Numkena of Arizona, a Hopi Indian then using the stage name Keena Nomkeena, appeared as Keena, the adopted son of Brave Eagle; Pat Hogan as Black Cloud, and Bert Wheeler of the comedy team Wheeler & Woolsey, as the halfbreed Smokey Joe, full of tribal tall tales but accompanying wisdom. The episodes center upon routine activities among the Cheyenne, clashes with other tribes, attempts to prevent war, encroachment from white settlers, racial prejudice, and a threat of smallpox.
Release Date: September 28, 1955
Last Aired: March 21, 1956
October 04, 1957
September 12, 1959
September 14, 1965
October 14, 1972
July 30, 2003
September 11, 1974
February 27, 1979
January 07, 1989
September 19, 1963
September 12, 1992
November 06, 2011
March 21, 2004
February 26, 1995
September 17, 1966
September 15, 2006
March 14, 1999
November 06, 2016
January 09, 2024
October 06, 2022
September 26, 1960