The CollegeHumor Show was an American comedy that premiered on MTV on February 8, 2009 and also aired on MuchMusic. The show is a scripted sitcom with sketch comedy elements. It is written by and stars nine actual CollegeHumor editorial staff members, who play fictionalized versions of themselves. The show is an adaptation of the style of the long-running Hardly Working short film series created for the CollegeHumor site, made more suitable for the longer, televised format. After the conclusion of the six episode season, there has been little to no talk of continuing the series. The series also spawned the spin off show, Pranked hosted by Streeter Seidell and Amir Blumenfeld airing on MTV.
Release Date: February 08, 2009
Last Aired: March 15, 2009
January 09, 2018
April 19, 2017
January 09, 1976
September 19, 1987
December 01, 1986
October 12, 1960
March 15, 1983
April 09, 1987
November 14, 2013
August 22, 2013
September 13, 1992
March 15, 1999
September 05, 1981
October 02, 2007
March 12, 2001
September 20, 1976
October 04, 2006
June 16, 2004
September 09, 1981
November 14, 1988