Stage Show was a popular music variety series on American television originally hosted on alternate weeks by big band leaders and brothers Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. Produced by Jackie Gleason, the CBS-TV show included the first national television appearances by Elvis Presley. The series began as a one-hour show on July 3, 1954 as a summer replacement for The Jackie Gleason Show. Gleason brought it back in the fall of 1955 as a half-hour show and scheduled it from 8–8:30 p.m. ET before his own program on Saturday nights. In 1956, Jack Carter, a frequent guest, became the permanent host. The June Taylor Dancers made regular appearances. Bobby Darin made his national TV debut on the program in early 1956, singing "Rock Island Line". The show's final telecast was September 18, 1956.
Release Date: July 03, 1954
Last Aired: July 03, 1954
December 04, 2020
February 19, 2022
December 21, 2020
April 21, 2023
September 27, 1987
February 26, 2015
July 21, 2015
June 20, 1970
September 08, 1997
July 30, 1999
June 10, 2019
February 15, 2022
April 12, 2023
April 09, 2013
January 28, 1960
October 02, 1954
September 05, 2022
February 09, 1996
June 08, 2002
March 08, 2022