Dark Skies is an American UFO conspiracy theory-based sci-fi television series that aired from the 1996 to 1997 season for 18 episodes, plus a two-hour pilot episode. The success of The X-Files on Fox proved there was an audience for science fiction shows, resulting in NBC commissioning this proposed competitor following a pitch from producers Bryce Zabel and Brent Friedman. The series debuted September 21, 1996 on NBC, and was later rerun by the Sci-Fi Channel. Its tagline was "History as we know it is a lie."
Release Date: September 21, 1996
Last Aired: May 31, 1997
November 30, 2018
October 06, 2018
July 09, 2022
November 23, 1963
January 09, 1996
October 06, 1997
February 17, 2002
September 21, 2005
October 02, 2000
Invalid Date
February 09, 2023
December 02, 2002
September 20, 1979
April 04, 2006
March 26, 2005
October 28, 2019
September 10, 1995
October 03, 1994
July 15, 2004
September 20, 2003