Rock Me Baby is an American television series set in Denver, Colorado. It is a comedy / drama that debuted on September 15, 2003 on UPN. Rock Me Baby stars actor and comedian Dan Cortese as Jimmy Cox, co-host of a popular Denver radio show with his best friend, Carl, played by Carl Anthony Payne II. Bianca Kajlich plays Beth Cox, Jimmy's wife, and the two have a baby named Otis. Tammy Townsend plays Beth's best friend, Pamela, who is obsessed with the glamorous life.
Release Date: September 16, 2003
Last Aired: May 25, 2004
July 08, 1989
September 16, 1993
February 11, 2016
January 26, 1979
January 17, 2001
August 08, 2012
April 04, 2010
August 09, 1999
January 12, 1981
November 21, 2011
July 11, 2015
August 16, 2016
October 25, 1988
May 23, 2023
October 27, 2020
August 20, 1985
October 13, 2020
October 24, 2020
October 28, 2020
May 17, 2014