Ina, Kapatid, Anak is a Philippine television drama directed by Don M. Cuaresma and Jojo A. Saguin. The series premiered on October 8, 2012 on ABS-CBN in the Philippines as part of network's Primetime Bida programming block, and internationally on October 9 on TFC . The drama follows the lives of Celyn, Margaux, Liam and Ethan and their struggles for power, acceptance, family and love. The show was extended due to success in viewership ratings, the second season premiered on January 14, 2013 with the episode featuring the grand revelation of Celyn being the daughter of Julio and Beatriz. The third and final season premiered on March 7, 2013 with the drama opened a new chapter with a time skip focusing on the characters' young-adult stage and business rivalry.
Release Date: October 08, 2012
Last Aired: June 14, 2013
March 31, 2023
March 29, 2023
December 14, 2015
April 10, 2023
July 04, 2003
September 21, 1994
April 11, 2004
September 11, 2006
January 20, 1998
May 22, 2017
August 07, 2013
July 02, 2013
January 19, 2014
February 17, 2002
May 19, 2003
January 10, 1983
October 01, 2003
May 09, 2005