The Future is Wild is an animated children's version of Canadian 2003 joint Animal Planet/ORF and ZDF co-production The Future Is Wild. It was developed by Nelvana Animation, and directed by Mike Fallows, with characters and creatures designed by Brett Jubinville. It is made in CGI animation. The show is a Teletoon Original Production and first aired on Teletoon on June 28, 2010; it made its debut in the US on Discovery Kids on October 13, 2007. It now airs weekday mornings on The Hub. It features four teenagers who study the future of the earth to find a new habitat for humanity, while learning about the futuristic creatures who inhabit it. The show ran for one 26 episode season. It utilizes creatures speculated about in a the original version of The Future Is Wild, albeit with highly fictionalized elements.
Release Date: October 13, 2007
Last Aired: July 05, 2008
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January 04, 1989
April 02, 1979
February 28, 2022
September 24, 2007
May 03, 1987
May 16, 1993
May 26, 1996
November 01, 2000
October 05, 2012
February 08, 2003
September 12, 1993
July 15, 2004
September 23, 1962
September 20, 1979
August 09, 2014
October 11, 1997
February 07, 2020
April 24, 2008
April 12, 2023
October 24, 2019