The Facts of Life is an American sitcom that originally ran on the NBC television network from August 24, 1979, to May 7, 1988, making it the longest running sitcom of the 1980s. A spin-off of the sitcom Diff'rent Strokes, the series' premise focuses on Edna Garrett as she becomes a housemother at the fictional Eastland School, an all-female boarding school in Peekskill, New York.
Release Date: August 24, 1979
Last Aired: May 07, 1988
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May 23, 2023
October 05, 2018
May 12, 2016
January 12, 2022
October 05, 2002
September 20, 2002
October 29, 1990
February 26, 1973
August 23, 1998
September 24, 1985
February 11, 2004
September 08, 1981
January 29, 1984
March 10, 1998
January 12, 1992
December 04, 1981
September 13, 1995
June 06, 1998
October 03, 1960
October 01, 2002