Sidestreet was a Canadian television drama, which aired Sundays on CBC from 1975 to 1978. It starred Sean McCann and Donnelly Rhodes as police working the mean streets of 1970s Toronto. The producers of "Sidestreet:" wanted to feature community service officers instead of ordinary detectives. They aimed to concentrate on issues such as blockbusting, strikebreaking, rape, poverty, and the problems of the elderly in the city, instead of major crimes.
Release Date: September 14, 1975
Last Aired: November 12, 1978
August 03, 2018
November 10, 1994
March 13, 1982
December 02, 1988
February 07, 2008
September 23, 2002
October 13, 2002
January 17, 1992
May 04, 2010
October 06, 2000
June 02, 2002
July 07, 2006
June 13, 2005
April 12, 1987
September 10, 1975
October 16, 1984
September 18, 2002
September 28, 2003
February 06, 2022
March 14, 2023