Checkmate is an American detective television series starring Anthony George, Sebastian Cabot, and Doug McClure. The show aired on CBS Television from 1960 to 1962 for a total of 70 episodes and was produced by Jack Benny's production company, "JaMco Productions" in co-operation with Revue Studios. Guest stars included Charles Laughton, Peter Lorre, and Lee Marvin, among many other commensurately prominent performers.
Release Date: September 17, 1960
Last Aired: June 20, 1962
January 07, 2001
Invalid Date
January 19, 2014
October 24, 1981
June 28, 2007
March 06, 1999
September 16, 1967
March 15, 1980
August 08, 2019
September 13, 1987
September 18, 1968
January 05, 1969
September 26, 1999
January 01, 2006
June 10, 2013
January 14, 1986
October 06, 1960
January 29, 1982
September 25, 1998
January 28, 1984