Kissyfur is a 1980s animated children's television series which aired on NBC. It was produced by Jean Chalopin & Andy Heyward and created by Phil Mendez for DIC. The series was based on a half-hour NBC prime-time special called Kissyfur: Bear Roots and was followed by three more specials until its Saturday morning debut. The show ran for two seasons. The show follows the adventures of Gus and Kissyfur, a father and son bear duo who had joined the circus. One day on a circus trip, the train they are riding in derails and the bears escape to a new life in the swamps of Paddlecab County. There, they protect the local swamp's inhabitants from the local bumbling alligators Floyd and Jolene. Kissyfur and his father use the skills they have acquired from the human world to create a boat tour business transporting other animals and their products down the river.
Release Date: January 16, 1988
Last Aired: April 24, 1990
September 09, 1990
September 15, 1990
September 12, 2015
September 14, 1991
September 10, 1977
September 15, 2007
March 05, 1983
September 09, 1978
September 09, 1978
September 02, 1985
June 12, 2014
January 07, 2009
October 01, 2020
October 13, 2020
January 01, 2018
February 23, 1985
October 21, 1972
January 28, 1989
July 16, 2016
August 26, 2007