Double Rush is an American CBS television comedy that lasted only one season in 1995. Robert Pastorelli played Johnny Verona, manager of a bicycle delivery service in New York City. Verona must keep his business on its feet in the face of competition from the increased use of fax machines and the internet. The show premiered 4 January 1995 and ended with the twelfth episode on 12 April of that year. The reason for its cancellation might be because of the title of the seventh episode 'The Show We Wrote the Day We Found Out We Were Going on Opposite Roseanne'. Apparently, "even the most smart-mouthed, wise-cracking New York working stiffs couldn't compete with Roseanne for ratings."
Release Date: January 04, 1995
Last Aired: April 12, 1995
April 01, 2008
October 22, 2009
August 23, 2015
October 29, 2018
September 06, 1975
September 18, 1978
January 16, 1981
September 29, 1953
August 15, 1973
October 04, 1954
March 21, 1980
August 25, 1993
August 17, 1998
September 14, 1965
September 08, 1975
November 03, 1997
May 07, 1977
September 19, 1996
September 26, 1999
July 08, 1990