Insight is an American religious-themed weekly anthology series that aired in syndication from October 1960 to 1983. Produced by Paulist Productions in Los Angeles, the series presented half-hour dramas illuminating the contemporary search for meaning, freedom, and love. Insight was an anthology series, using an eclectic set of storytelling forms including comedy, melodrama, and fantasy to explore moral dilemmas. The series was created by Roman Catholic priest Ellwood E. "Bud" Kieser, the founder of Paulist Productions. As a member of an evangelistic order of Catholic priests called the Paulist Fathers, he worked in the entertainment community in Hollywood as a priest-producer and occasional host, using television as a vehicle of spiritual enrichment. Many of the episodes of the series were videotaped at CBS Television City and then Metromedia Square.
Release Date: October 02, 1960
Last Aired: January 01, 1983
September 21, 1994
November 30, 2015
January 06, 2006
September 07, 1975
October 10, 1950
August 15, 1992
September 29, 1985
April 11, 2024
October 07, 1965
November 05, 2023
November 22, 2019
May 27, 2019
August 18, 2019
March 20, 2019
July 04, 1950
September 15, 1972
May 16, 1949
May 25, 2000
March 01, 2022
September 26, 1974