The Kingdom of Paramithi is an Australian children's television series first screened on the Nine Network and Nick Jr. on 11 November 2008. The series is created by The Wiggles and Nickelodeon, with 30 half-hour episodes for pre-school children. Now Currently on ABC4 Kids 5 minutes of Storybook. The Kingdom of Paramithi is a fairy tale series with stories, songs and dance. Paramithi is a Greek word for fairytale. The series has been created by Anthony Field and Paul Field, written by Paul Field and Paul Paddick and developed with the experience of The Wiggles production team. The program is also broadcast on the ATV World channel of Hong Kong.
Release Date: November 11, 2008
Last Aired: November 11, 2008
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April 01, 1992
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December 06, 1973
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September 01, 1984