MasterChef USA, on PBS, is the original US adaptation of the BBC's MasterChef, a cooking competition for amateur cooks. Grab your whisks and hang on to your toques, as the 27 regional MasterChef champs chop, purée, roast, braise, sauté, simmer and grill their way through the Olympics of amateur cooking to the title of MasterChef USA! Host Gary Rhodes, one of Great Britain’s best-loved chefs, guides us through 13 half-hour episodes and an hour long prime time special. A panel of celebrity judges preside as 27 winning amateur chefs, wielding their own mouthwatering menus, battle over Brulée and Beurre Blanc, wrangle over roasted peppers and risotto, and strive to create the most satisfying soup, salad and soufflé.
Release Date: April 01, 2000
Last Aired: June 30, 2001
April 23, 2020
April 20, 1998
September 27, 2013
September 21, 2005
March 24, 2000
October 05, 2002
June 05, 2023
August 06, 2017
February 03, 2019
January 05, 2019
January 10, 2012
September 25, 2017
April 01, 2023
April 15, 2023
April 17, 2023
February 08, 2019
February 20, 2010
December 30, 2020
May 30, 2005
October 10, 1992