Monkey Dust is a British satirical cartoon, notorious for its dark humour and handling of taboo topics such as bestiality, murder, suicide and paedophilia. There were three series broadcast on BBC Three between 2003 and 2005. Following co-creator Harry Thompson's death, no further series were made.
Release Date: February 09, 2003
Last Aired: February 08, 2005
February 08, 2023
December 18, 2014
November 03, 1997
July 09, 1999
May 29, 1993
July 28, 1992
November 23, 2018
March 01, 1999
January 03, 1991
January 31, 1999
March 11, 2005
January 11, 2005
May 07, 1977
November 10, 2003
May 21, 2004
August 03, 2006
March 03, 1997
July 23, 2003
August 13, 1997
March 23, 2000