Cococinel is a French children's television programme. Directed by Raymond Burlet and written by Yolande Baillet and Jean Montagné, 52 episodes of the animated cartoon were made in 1992. The main character is a ladybird who, aided by his friends, teaches about ecology and the environment.
Release Date: January 01, 1992
Last Aired: December 23, 1992
July 04, 2003
September 21, 1994
October 03, 1987
September 14, 1985
April 11, 2004
June 20, 2004
February 08, 2003
October 09, 1984
January 20, 1998
January 19, 2014
September 19, 1964
Invalid Date
January 10, 1983
January 21, 2002
May 09, 2005
October 15, 1951
December 16, 1964
December 09, 1995
April 30, 2024
June 30, 2013