Please! Psammea-don is a Japanese anime that was broadcast from 2 April 1985 to 4 February 1986 with a total of 78 episodes produced. This anime is based on the 1902 novel Five Children and It by English author Edith Nesbit. The anime differs from the novel in revolving around four children rather than five. Three of the children are siblings while the fourth is their friend and neighbor. The four children encounter the Psammead who, in the anime, is depicted as being yellow with a blue hat, and more of a grumpy and lazy being than mischievous. In Latin America, the series was known as Samed, el duende mágico and in France and Quebec as Sablotin. In the Arab world, it was known as Moghamarat Samid.
Release Date: April 02, 1985
Last Aired: January 14, 1986
July 21, 1987
December 11, 1992
July 03, 2022
May 21, 1996
October 08, 2013
October 06, 2013
April 30, 2024
July 03, 2002
April 13, 2011
April 04, 1995
October 07, 2012
June 14, 2007
July 10, 2004
April 07, 2007
October 01, 2011
July 08, 2013
July 09, 2021
April 03, 2021
April 06, 2021
November 10, 2006