A life story of Taro Okamoto, one of the most prominent Japanese avant-garde artists of the 20th Century. Celebrating the 100th anniversary of his birth in 2011, the drama depicts his struggle for the completion of his emblematic work "The Tower of Taro," known as the symbol of the Osaka Expo in 1970, and his eccentric relationships with his family.
Release Date: February 26, 2011
Last Aired: April 02, 2011
February 15, 1981
May 26, 2018
January 09, 1982
January 13, 1979
March 01, 2008
May 19, 1986
December 29, 2015
January 04, 2012
October 01, 2012
November 20, 2012
October 12, 2012
January 06, 2013
April 05, 2012
January 28, 2013
February 02, 1976
January 05, 2009
March 23, 2008
September 01, 1955
May 06, 2002
June 12, 1999