Titan Maximum is an American stop motion animated television series created by Tom Root and Matthew Senreich. The series premiered on Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim, on September 27, 2009, and was canceled after only one season. A teaser premiered during the "Robot Chicken on Wheels" tour and at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con International. It is a parody of the "Super Robot" anime style produced using stop motion animation.
Release Date: September 27, 2009
Last Aired: November 22, 2009
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April 09, 1977
January 10, 2003
February 25, 2006
September 28, 1987
September 01, 1997
February 04, 1984
October 21, 1983
December 11, 1992
April 06, 1996
February 07, 1981
February 17, 2002
April 22, 1994
February 19, 1993
March 01, 1996
March 02, 1990
November 10, 2006
February 18, 2007
April 01, 1973
February 02, 1991
October 07, 2005