Pit Pony is a 1999 CBC television series which tells the story of small-town life in Glace Bay, on the island of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia in 1904. The plot line revolves around the lives of the families of the men and boys who work in the coal mines.
Release Date: February 05, 1999
Last Aired: October 15, 1999
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July 05, 1992
December 26, 1984
March 03, 1981
May 09, 1998
February 23, 2011
January 01, 1983
February 08, 2021
November 18, 2019
July 03, 2019
May 16, 1977
September 11, 1975
October 23, 1983
July 19, 2017
February 06, 1982
October 11, 1978
November 10, 1985
January 14, 1981
October 13, 2021
September 14, 2020
April 07, 2002