The Tom Green Show is a North American television show, created by and starring Canadian comedian Tom Green, that first aired in September 1994. The series aired on Rogers Television 22, a community channel in Ottawa, Ontario, until 1996, when it was picked up by The Comedy Network. The second season began airing on December 4, 1998. (In 1996, Tom Green also produced a pilot episode for CBC Television, although the CBC did not pick up the series.) In January 1999, the show moved to the United States and aired on MTV. The series stopped production in March 2000, due to Green's diagnosis of testicular cancer, but continued to appear on the channel via reruns and other promotional materials. In 2002, it was ranked #41 on TV Guide's 50 Worst TV Shows of All Time. In 2003, the show was revived as The New Tom Green Show. In 2006, Green launched Tom Green Live, a live call-in show for his website, which was later renamed Tom Green's House Tonight.
Release Date: June 23, 2003
Last Aired: September 08, 2003
August 23, 2006
August 11, 1997
October 01, 1962
June 14, 1993
September 01, 2006
February 19, 2024
April 11, 2023
March 10, 2014
January 13, 1999
September 09, 2019
October 05, 2018
August 27, 2006
September 14, 2009
October 05, 2008
August 22, 1988
November 18, 1968
April 19, 2023
February 22, 2012
Invalid Date
February 10, 1995