Set in the small western town of Curtis Wells, Lonesome Dove: The Series follows first the romance and later the marriage of Newt Call and Hannah Peale, and the obsession that Clay Mosby, who owns most of the town, has with young Hannah, who looks remarkably like his late wife, Mary. In addition to the talented regular Canadian cast of Scott Bairstow, Christianne Hirt, and Eric McCormack, the show also featured the recurring players of Dennis Weaver as legend Buffalo Bill Cody, Diahann Carroll as innkeeper and widow Ida Grayson, Paul Johansson as newspaperman and family member Austin Peale, and Paul Le Mat as Hannah's father and the editor of the local paper.
Release Date: September 09, 1994
Last Aired: March 18, 1995
September 23, 1994
January 05, 1971
January 20, 2014
August 05, 2013
September 11, 1974
September 19, 1963
January 07, 1989
February 27, 1979
October 04, 1957
September 12, 1959
September 14, 1965
November 06, 2011
March 21, 2004
February 13, 1976
May 25, 2015
September 10, 1960
August 04, 1960
February 02, 1953
September 17, 1966
January 07, 2016