Taking place 15 years after the 7th Space War, the surviving 98 million residents of Earth try to make a living as best they can in the post apocalyptic landscape. Mobile Suits and weapons left over from the war fall into the hands of civilians as well as other organizations on the planet. In an effort to keep the past from repeating itself, Jamil Neate brings together a crew of Vultures to search for Newtypes and protect them from being exploited. As they try to carry out this task, an old government rises from the ashes to try and unify the Earth as other forces slowly fan the flames of war once more between the newly formed New United Nations Earth and the Space Revolutionary Army. Now the crew of the Freeden face a multitude of enemies as they try to prevent another catastrophic war.
Release Date: April 05, 1996
Last Aired: December 28, 1997
March 31, 2023
January 03, 1986
July 27, 2024
August 28, 1993
November 29, 1991
February 23, 1994
August 07, 2013
April 15, 1989
July 02, 2013
April 04, 2013
February 07, 1981
February 17, 2002
May 21, 1996
April 22, 1994
December 09, 1995
October 01, 2011
August 10, 2013
July 08, 2013
July 03, 2002
July 09, 2022