Marking Time was an Australian television mini-series, consisting of four one-hour episodes. It first aired on 9 and 10 November 2003 on ABC-TV. Directed by Cherie Nowlan and written by John Doyle, it was the first mainstream television/film project to address the issue of the Australian government's refugee policy, a topic it approaches by chronicling the emotional journey of one young man during his year off after graduation, in his fictional rural home-town of Brackley, Australia. The storyline of Marking Time was inspired by the real-life experiences of Afghan refugees and their hosts in the rural town of Young, New South Wales; however much of the outdoor scenes of the series were actually shot at Singleton, New South Wales, in the Hunter Region.
Release Date: November 09, 2003
Last Aired: November 10, 2003
November 25, 2012
May 01, 2023
March 01, 2020
November 17, 2022
January 05, 1996
March 14, 2005
November 24, 1997
January 07, 2008
October 04, 1995
August 22, 2018
November 11, 1984
July 15, 2014
February 19, 2019
July 12, 2016
January 31, 1992
February 20, 2019
April 09, 2019
February 17, 2021
September 01, 2015
January 03, 1995