In the fictional city of Saint Andrews, Brett Montgomery, a wealthy cosmetics businessman and doctor at the local hospital, and Brad, his evil twin brother, battle for control of the Montgomery family fortune. Brett’s fiancée, Cricket, is a journalist with the local television station and has a twin sister, Ashley, who is a nurse at the hospital.
Release Date: February 03, 2005
Last Aired: December 03, 2007
September 07, 1984
November 10, 1978
September 11, 2005
June 20, 2004
January 12, 2007
November 02, 2002
June 07, 2002
January 06, 2006
March 28, 2001
September 03, 1991
October 18, 1988
May 09, 2005
January 19, 1994
October 08, 1988
August 31, 2013
September 11, 2006
April 08, 2021
February 21, 1999
April 15, 2023
January 21, 2021