$25 Million Dollar Hoax is an unscripted television series that was originally shown on American network NBC in November 2004. It is based on a United Kingdom show titled The Million Pound Hoax, broadcast on Sky One earlier that year. $25 Million Dollar Hoax consists of three unscripted hour-long episodes in which small-town girl Chrissy Sanford plays a hoax on her family by convincing them she had won a US$25,000,000 lottery prize through the internet, and that it had changed her from a sweet girl into a spend-a-holic. This program is an example of reality television. $25 Million Dollar Hoax contained guest appearances by Ed McMahon, George Gray, and N*SYNC's Lance Bass. Chrissy successfully pulled off the hoax, which won her and her family over $400,000 in cash and prizes.
Release Date: November 08, 2004
Last Aired: November 22, 2004
December 07, 2005
December 08, 2003
May 20, 2014
March 04, 2003
May 30, 2011
Invalid Date
March 29, 2005
January 05, 2021
September 02, 2003
September 07, 2018
September 24, 2006
June 08, 2006
February 09, 2016
June 13, 2023
November 13, 1995
January 20, 2000
January 08, 2008
September 09, 1983
May 27, 2016
January 19, 1955