Code of Vengeance is the umbrella title for a series of American television programs, produced by Universal Television, that aired on NBC in 1985 and 1986. Charles Taylor stars as David Dalton, a Vietnam veteran who has become a drifter, travelling across the United States in a camper van with only his dog for company. Dalton gets involved in the personal lives of the people he meets and uses his fighting skills to help them win justice. The Dalton character was created for All That Glitters, a planned spin-off series from Knight Rider, and a backdoor pilot aired as a second-season episode of that series in 1984. The character, originally a suave government agent, was retooled as a lone drifter for a new pilot, which aired as the television movie Code of Vengeance, to surprise ratings success in June 1985. A subsequent series, to be called Dalton, was ordered by NBC for midseason, then production was cancelled after just four episodes were completed. These aired in the summer of 1986 as a television movie titled Dalton: Code of Vengeance II and as a part of a fill-in series called Dalton's Code of Vengeance.
Release Date: June 30, 1985
Last Aired: August 24, 1986
January 05, 2001
January 23, 1983
September 29, 1985
September 16, 1993
October 05, 1990
January 24, 1999
September 22, 2011
January 09, 2011
January 11, 2013
February 27, 1961
June 24, 2009
July 14, 1985
September 26, 1982
September 18, 1985
January 03, 1984
April 28, 1984
March 19, 2021
April 21, 1993
October 07, 2006
September 13, 1997