Fanny by Gaslight is a British drama television series, which originally aired on the BBC between 24 September and 9 October 1981. It was an adaptation of the novel Fanny by Gaslight by Michael Sadleir, which had previously been adapted into a film, Man of Evil, in 1944. The series was adapted by Anthony Steven, directed by Peter Jefferies and produced by Joe Waters. Chloe Salaman plays the title role of Fanny Hooper, a young woman who is orphaned and faced with hardship in Victorian London.
Release Date: September 24, 1981
Last Aired: October 29, 1981
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April 03, 2005
November 21, 1972
April 24, 1984
May 11, 2014
January 04, 2020
October 25, 2013
October 04, 1981
June 10, 2019
December 26, 2015
April 18, 2004
November 23, 2002
July 15, 2010
January 04, 1989
March 26, 2021
December 09, 2002
July 17, 2016
May 11, 2015
January 24, 2008
February 20, 2012
December 18, 2007