Jungle Junction is a current CGI animated children's television series created by Trevor Ricketts. It airs on Disney Junior in the United States and in the Netherlands, as well as Playhouse Disney in the United Kingdom and Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey and on Playhouse Disney in Asia. It is produced in the UK by animation company Spider Eye Productions. In the United States, the programme was originally part of the Playhouse Disney daily block intended for preschoolers. On February 14, 2011, it was moved to the Disney Junior block, serving as Playhouse Disney's replacement. A second series of 26 episodes has been ordered by Disney.
Release Date: October 06, 2009
Last Aired: July 06, 2012
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July 04, 2011
October 01, 2006
March 23, 2009
January 01, 2018
February 23, 1985
October 21, 1972
January 28, 1989
August 20, 2018
July 16, 2016
August 26, 2007
October 19, 2020
October 29, 2020
January 01, 1986
April 20, 2019
July 14, 2023
November 13, 1977
August 28, 1988
January 01, 2013
March 30, 2012
September 14, 2018