Charlie and Lola is a British animated television series based on the Charlie and Lola books written by Lauren Child. It aired from 2005–2008. The animation uses a collage style that emulates the style of the original books. Three series were commissioned by and initially broadcast on the BBC between 2005 and 2008. The series are produced by Tiger Aspect and have been subsequently broadcast in more than twenty countries. The series has won multiple BAFTA awards.
Release Date: November 07, 2005
Last Aired: August 23, 2008
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February 17, 2008
February 21, 1999
July 09, 2015
June 15, 2022
September 08, 1990
February 22, 2015
January 07, 2018
December 21, 1986
April 09, 2022
June 02, 2022
March 02, 1990
September 11, 2006
February 24, 2020
February 13, 2005
April 08, 2020
September 05, 2021
September 02, 2022
August 29, 2023