Bananas in Pyjamas is an Australian children's television show that premiered on 20 July 1992 on ABC. It has since become syndicated in many different countries, and dubbed into other languages. In the United States, the "Pyjamas" in the title was modified to reflect the American spelling pajamas. This aired in syndication from 1995 to 1997 as a half-hour series, then became a 15-minute show paired with a short-lived 15-minute series The Crayon Box, under a 30-minute block produced by Sachs Family Entertainment titled Bananas in Pajamas & The Crayon Box. Additionally, the characters and a scene from the show were featured in the Kids for Character sequel titled Kids for Character: Choices Count. The pilot episode was Pink Mug.
Release Date: July 20, 1992
Last Aired: December 14, 2001
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March 09, 1995
December 04, 2013
September 17, 1983
September 17, 1987
May 18, 2007
January 21, 2002
June 24, 1981
April 06, 1980
February 19, 1986
October 16, 1999
Invalid Date
January 04, 1993
February 21, 1993
April 26, 2005
August 17, 2002
September 04, 2006
January 05, 1992
October 03, 2004
April 06, 1990
February 18, 1992