Kiba, a fantasy anime by Madhouse and Aniplex, began broadcasting on TV Tokyo on April 5, 2006. The series is directed by Hiroshi Kōjina with Upper Deck Japan, a trading card game company, as the main sponsor. The anime has been licensed by Upper Deck USA and produced by ADV Films for North American distribution. The series is more violent than other trading-card-game-tie-in animations with many characters being killed. According to an interview with the March 2006 issue of Animage, Hiroshi Kamishina, the show's director, noted that the show "absolutely will not have any plot elements that curry favor to children". The producers of the show has also commented that Kiba will not be the type of show to put "human drama" on the back burner while concentrating on promotional tie-ins. While Upper Deck owns the rights to the series, ADV Films is the distributor and their production studio Amusement Park Media is producing the dub. Kiba aired on Toonami Jetstream from July 14, 2008 to January 21, 2009 and is now showing on The Anime Network's Video on Demand service.
Release Date: April 02, 2006
Last Aired: March 25, 2007
July 27, 2024
November 29, 1991
February 23, 1994
April 15, 1989
July 02, 2013
April 04, 2013
May 21, 1996
April 22, 1994
December 09, 1995
October 01, 2011
July 08, 2013
July 03, 2002
July 09, 2022
April 04, 2022
April 13, 1986
July 08, 2022
April 08, 2021
December 13, 1996
April 02, 1979
April 01, 1973