CBS gave the group a television variety show (entitled Tony Orlando and Dawn) from the summer of 1974, after The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour ended its run, until December 1976. The show was in the same vein as its predecessor (with sketches featuring sarcastic back-and-forth banter between Orlando, Hopkins and Vincent, similar to the sarcastic dialogue between Sonny and Cher) and became a Top 20 hit. They are most famous for "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" & "Knock Three Times"!
Release Date: December 04, 1974
Last Aired: December 28, 1976
September 10, 1950
February 01, 1976
September 29, 1962
September 21, 1963
January 16, 2015
April 05, 1987
July 06, 1954
May 10, 1991
December 08, 1991
April 02, 1999
March 08, 2022
January 11, 2017
February 02, 1976
July 10, 2023
October 04, 1950
October 16, 1999
June 08, 1948
January 07, 1966
April 04, 2023
January 28, 1960