MTV World Stage is a global series that brings multi-genre talents with global relevance to an audience in over 550 million households. Recorded "live" at the most exclusive gigs, world renowned music festivals and unique concert locations from around the world, MTV World Stage is the "front row seat" for music lovers to experience the biggest artists on the globe without leaving the comfort of their sofas. On August 15, 2009, MTV Asia staged the first ever outdoor MTV World Stage Live In Malaysia at Sunway Lagoon Resort in Kuala Lumpur. The event was attended by over 15, 000 fans. The 2011 event took place in I-City The event also featured a live, real-time microblogging application where comments and 'tweets' via SMS were displayed on giant screens at the concert venue.
Release Date: April 03, 2009
Last Aired: February 18, 2022
November 20, 2021
January 01, 1964
September 13, 2021
September 25, 1965
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February 02, 1997
August 03, 1979
February 26, 2014
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January 03, 1951
May 09, 2023
July 20, 2005
January 31, 2022
May 20, 1978
January 29, 1951
July 12, 2021
May 01, 1989