Stand Up for the Week is a British television comedy series shown on Channel 4, featuring stand-up comedy performances reflecting topical events. The show began in June 2010 with a six-episode series aired on Friday nights, moving to Saturday nights for the second series which began in March 2011. The first series was hosted by Patrick Kielty, with regular performers Jack Whitehall, Kevin Bridges, Andi Osho and Rich Hall. Bridges replaced Kielty as host for the second series, with Jon Richardson joining as a regular performer. Richardson took over as host of the show for the third series which aired in late 2011, and aside from Rich Hall returning, an otherwise entirely new group of regular performers joined the show: Seann Walsh, Sara Pascoe, Josh Widdicombe and Paul Chowdhry. For the fourth series Andrew Lawrence replaced Rich Hall. For the fifth series, Chowdhry will take over as host but it is unknown who will replace him or if any other regulars have been replaced.
Release Date: June 25, 2010
Last Aired: June 29, 2012
April 11, 1995
December 03, 2020
October 01, 2004
January 03, 1991
June 01, 2003
October 07, 2003
January 04, 2023
December 25, 2020
December 17, 2020
October 30, 2018
May 14, 2021
May 31, 2020
March 07, 1992
March 18, 2016
September 06, 2004
April 08, 1994
September 20, 2002
September 10, 2012
February 09, 2022
December 31, 2021