Scare Tactics is a hidden camera/comedy television show, produced by Kevin Healey and Scott Hallock. Its first two seasons aired from April 2003 to December 2004. After a hiatus, the show returned for a third season, beginning July 9, 2008. The first season of the show was hosted by Shannen Doherty. Stephen Baldwin took her place in the middle of the second season. Since the beginning of the third season, the show has been hosted by Tracy Morgan. The fourth season began on October 6, 2009. In Europe the first season of the program aired on MTV Central from 2003 to 2004. The show is also broadcast in Australia on FOX8, in Canada on MTV, in India on AXN, in Russia on MTV Russia, in Turkey on Dream TV, in Poland on TV Puls, in Finland on Jim, in South Korea on Q TV, in Sweden initially on TV6 and currently on TV11.
Release Date: April 04, 2003
Last Aired: October 14, 2024
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March 23, 2023
October 24, 2004
June 10, 1989
March 17, 2003
April 24, 2022
July 17, 2013
May 20, 2012
October 26, 1991
October 10, 2020
December 05, 2024
August 03, 2015
January 29, 2004
August 08, 2003
September 30, 2014
October 03, 2021
October 02, 2012
February 27, 2017
February 01, 2010
November 30, 1986
April 20, 2000