Appointment with Adventure is a half-hour adventure/dramatic anthology television series broadcast live on CBS from 1955-1956. The program has no host. It aired at 10 p.m. EST on the Sunday evening schedule between the better known Alfred Hitchcock Presents and What's My Line? It ran opposite The Loretta Young Show on NBC and Life Begins at Eighty, a panel discussion series hosted by Jack Barry on ABC. The series aired fifty-three episodes, having premiered on April 3, 1955, near the end of the regular 1954-1955 television season. It ran throughout the spring and summer of 1955 and began its fall run on October 2, 1955, concluding new segments on April 1, 1956. In effect, the series ran for a full year without the summer rebroadcast period standard for most programs. Episodes centered upon wars in U.S. history as well as dramatizations from events from many places throughout the world, then and in the past. In the episode which aired on May 1, 1955, Polly Bergen, Dane Clark, and Hugh Reilly starred in "Rendezvous in Paris." Tony Randall and Jack Klugman, fifteen years prior to their television roles as Felix Unger and Oscar Madison, respectively, in ABC's The Odd Couple, appeared with Gena Rowlands, later on NBC's 87th Precinct, in the September 4, 1955, episode entitled "The Pirate's House." Randall also appeared two months earlier in the Appointment with Adventure episode "Caribbean Cruise."
Release Date: April 03, 1955
Last Aired: April 01, 1956
November 30, 2015
October 10, 1950
August 15, 1992
September 29, 1985
April 11, 2024
October 07, 1965
November 05, 2023
November 22, 2019
May 27, 2019
March 20, 2019
July 04, 1950
September 15, 1972
May 16, 1949
March 01, 2022
July 21, 1987
January 19, 2021
March 29, 2023
May 04, 2024
May 08, 2020
February 11, 2013