The Loggerheads was an animated cartoon television series by Magma Films. It combined an old viking storylines with dark humour. It lasted only one season and was shown in Germany in 1997, on Britain's Channel Five in 1998 and later on the Pop TV channel, and in Italy TMC2 in 1999. The Story revolved around the Loggerhead chief Bjorn the Red and the rich Gissur the Pale and his family's attempts to contest the post. The opening/ending theme of the Italian version was written by Vito Abbonato and Andrea Ridolfi.
Release Date: January 01, 1997
Last Aired: June 25, 1997
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December 14, 1987
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September 12, 2001
September 29, 1958
September 14, 1985
June 20, 2004
February 08, 2003
December 17, 1989
November 10, 2020
September 16, 1964
May 02, 2019
September 14, 1990
June 17, 2021
September 14, 1987
September 17, 2005
March 30, 2023